Archive for the 'General' Category


Character Study?

Time to start off something new.

With character study, I’m going to randomly pick characters and take a good look into  who they are. It’s fair to say that I’m probably going to end up spoiling some good stuff, so if people don’t recognize the character when they see the image then they should probably leave the post alone. With that out of the way, I plan on doing this pretty often and I figured I’ll start now.

This time, the character is…

Continue reading ‘Character Study?’


“Saving the World by Overloading it with FUN”

…. thus Anti has spoken.

It’s with that guideline that I will approach all my posts.

Oh, maybe introductions…

So, NeitherKelter here, my name doesn’t mean a thing, just that North Korean Venereal Disease is unwieldy and too e_e-worthy to use, so NK it was.

I will try to do Manga and Anime Reviews regularly, though much of it will depend on my mood and workload.

Oh, I forgot that I’m a blackhole of Humor and Fun, so yeah. Don’t expect too much from me~


The Start

New Start

Hello everyone! Welcome to our very first blog!

This is a mission to delve a little deeper into the world of anime and manga and, hopefully, come out with a better understanding of the stuff we all like to enjoy. Before that, though, I’ll like to introduce myself. I’m Fenrir, one half of the team responsible for this blog and the guy that will work the hardest to keep it from stagnating. I’ll let the other half of the team introduce himself later, but, for now, allow me to pull back the curtains on this endeavor and welcome you to Said in Red.


Character Study